OneIT Services

Technology Audits & Planning

Digital Strategy

Technology Audits & Planning

Technology in business is both the greatest asset and presents the greatest risk. Most businesses can’t run without the use of technology, yet most people don’t fully understand the risks. Often the task of understanding the many different components of technology in business can be an overwhelming task when you don’t know what you don’t know.

The first step is finding someone who understands business and technology, and perhaps the hardest part of that is then trusting that person. There are so many opinions, products, risks, threats, communications and scare campaigns that it’s no wonder the task of deciphering it and creating a Technology Roadmap, is a task a lot of business, particularly small businesses don’t explore.

Why is planning and strategy around technology only available to big business with in-house specialists? Well, let One IT Services’ Digital Strategy and Security Team take you on that journey of discovery, documentation, planning and implementation in easy-to-understand terms that delivers tangible, credible, and effective results for your business or organisation.

One IT services team

If you have a board of directors or other senior stakeholders, do they know about the personal liability they are exposed to if private data is leaked? The answer is ‘probably not’. Once a board understands that risk, they are more likely to approve investment in platforms and consultancy to minimise the risk footprint.

The DSS Team is so committed to bringing boards and senior management along on the journey that we offer sessions for presentation of progress, finalised reports, and open-mic style Q&A sessions at no extra cost. This is especially effective for boards of Not-for-Profit organisations.

Our in-house Business Analysts specialise in the processes and procedures of clients and its impact both on, and by technology.

Imagine knowing exactly what is happening in your ICT environment with respect to:

Network performance

User experience




Licensing and costs


Eliminating bad user practice (sharing passwords)